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Jerison, E.R., Romeo N., and Quake, S.R., 2025. Spatially-structured inflammatory response in the presence of a uniform stimulus bioRxiv, 2025.01. 28.635318.

Jerison, E.R. and Quake, S.R., 2020. Heterogeneous T cell motility behaviors emerge from a coupling between speed and turning in vivo. Elife, 9, p.e53933.

Jerison, E.R., Nguyen Ba, A.N., Desai, M.M. and Kryazhimskiy, S., 2020. Chance and necessity in the pleiotropic consequences of adaptation for budding yeast. Nature ecology & evolution, 4(4), pp.601-611.

Jerison, E.R., Kryazhimskiy, S., Mitchell, J.K., Bloom, J.S., Kruglyak, L. and Desai, M.M., 2017. Genetic variation in adaptability and pleiotropy in budding yeast. Elife, 6, p.e27167.

Jerison, E.R. and Desai, M.M., 2015. Genomic investigations of evolutionary dynamics and epistasis in microbial evolution experiments. Current opinion in genetics & development, 35, pp.33-39.

Cvijović, I., Good, B.H., Jerison, E.R. and Desai, M.M., 2015. Fate of a mutation in a fluctuating environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(36), pp.E5021-E5028.

Kryazhimskiy, S., Rice, D.P., Jerison, E.R. and Desai, M.M., 2014. Global epistasis makes adaptation predictable despite sequence-level stochasticity. Science, 344(6191), pp.1519-1522.

Goyal, S., Balick, D.J., Jerison, E.R., Neher, R.A., Shraiman, B.I. and Desai, M.M., 2012. Dynamic mutation–selection balance as an evolutionary attractor. Genetics, 191(4), pp.1309-1319.

Jerison, E.R., Xu, Y., Wilen, L.A. and Dufresne, E.R., 2011. Deformation of an elastic substrate by a three-phase contact line. Physical review letters, 106(18), p.186103.

Xu, Y., Engl, W.C., Jerison, E.R., Wallenstein, K.J., Hyland, C., Wilen, L.A. and Dufresne, E.R., 2010. Imaging in-plane and normal stresses near an interface crack using traction force microscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(34), pp.14964-14967.